Clients and Partners
Our global network of partners are committed to working with us to build a more equitable and sustainable planet. Learn more about our partners and philanthropic supporters below. From small grassroots activists making community-level change, to agencies influencing international policy, we are honored to learn from and collaborate with our partner organizations.


Thank You to All Our Partners and Donors
48 Cantones
A Rocha Ghana
Accelerated Rural Development Organization
Agrointroductions Ghana
Ahado Youth Environment Club
Asociación Barillense de Agricultores (ASOBAGRI)
Asociación de Mujeres Ixpiyakok (ADEMI)
Asociación Generado Equidad, Liderazgo y Oportunidades (ASOGEN)
Asociación Movimiento de Jóvenes de Ometepe (AMOJO)
Association for Biodiversity Research and Sustainable Development (ABiRSD)
Bahir Dar University
Cameroon Gender and Environment Watch (CAMGEW)
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Centre for Indigenous Knowledge and Organizational Development (CIKOD)
Centre for Nursery Development and Eru Propagation (CENDEP)
Centre for Sustainable Rural Agriculture and Development (CSRAD)
Chalbi Scholars
City of Hope
Colectivo Joven
Comisión Nacional Contra el Maltrato y Abuso Sexual Infantil (CONACMI)
Community Action for Development (CAD)
Community Assistance in Development (COMAID)
Concern for the Girl Child
Conservation Alliance
Conservation Foundation
Cornerstone Development Africa
Crown the Woman
Dandelion Africa
Disability Rights Fund
Environment and Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF)
Environmental Governance Institute (EGI)
Escuela de la Calle (EDELAC)
Forests, Resources and People (FOREP)
Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE)
FAWE Ethiopia
FAWE Kenya
FAWE Malawi
FAWE Senegal
FAWE Tanzania
Fundación para el Ecodesarrollo y la Conservación (FUNDAECO)
Ghana Water Resources Commission
Girls Castle
Girls to Lead Africa (GTLA)
Green Development Advocates (GDA)
Green Globe Society
Herp Conservation Ghana
Heshima Kenya (RefuSHE)
Hope for Rural Humanity
Imago Dei Fund
Kenyatta University
Kilgoris Project
Let Girls Lead
Limbe Wildlife Centre (LWC)
Malkia Foundation
Mfombo Foundation
Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala
Ministry of Education & Sports, Uganda
Ministry of Education, Ethiopia
Ministry of Education, Ghana
Ministry of Education, Kenya
Ministry of Education, Malawi
Ministry of Education, Rwanda
Ministry of Education, Tanzania
Ministry of Education, Uganda
Misioneros de San Carlos Scalabrinianos
National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, Ghana
Nature Care Cameroon
Northern Kenya Fund
Norwegian Aid
Nurturing Minds
Observatorio en Salud Sexual y Reproductiva (OSAR)
Organization for Gender Civic Engagement and Youth Development(OGCEYOD)
Pan African Organisation for Research and Protection of Violence on Women and Children (PAORP-VWC)
Paso Pacifico
Paz Joven
Public Health Institute
Rafiki wa Maendeleo
Resource Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development (RCESD)
Sarteneja Alliance for Conservation and Development (SACD)
Save our Environment Foundation
Secondary Education for Girls’ Advancement (SEGA)
Segal Family Foundation
She’s the First
St. Augustine Eregi Teacher Training College
Sustainable Run for Development (SURUDEV)
The Greens
Thogoto Teacher Training College
Transform Ghana
Triumph Uganda
Umuryango Nyarwanda w’Abagore Bafite Ubumuga (UNABU)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
UNESCO International Institute for Capcity Builiding in Africa (UNESCO IICBA)
United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
UNICEF East and South Africa Regional Office (UNICEF ESARO)
UNICEF West and Central Africa Regional Office (UNICEF WCARO)
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
United Vision
Voces y Manos
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)/Mbam & Dierem National Park
WISER International
Young Women Empowered